The company Viridi Air is operational since Q2 of 2020 and currently limited on the Dutch market. At this moment we are in a transition period to provide international companies with our services. Therfore, more pages will be translated to English in the coming months.
Healthy Air-quality label
More and more organizations and consumers are aware of the need to breathe healthy indoor and outdoor air (without viruses, finedust, NOx, CO2, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, etc.). It is time to work together on clean indoor and outdoor air. With the Healthy Air-quality label of Viridi Air, it is clear to everyone whitch organizations are participating in a healthy urgent matter.
Why using the Healthy Air-quality label?
The Healthy Air-quality label is good for the (company) image and provides a distinctive character. It can be used on websites, newsletters, social media, etc .:
Definition and validity
The Healthy Air-quality label is a logo of Viridi Air that shows an organization, product or service contributes annually to better clean indoor and outdoor air. It can only be used if the assessment criteria for “contribution to clean indoor and outdoor air” are reached and the Healthy Air-certificate is issued by Viridi Air. It is valid for a period of 12 month (1 year).
The aim of the Healthy Air-quality label is to help consumers make a conscious choice for companies that are annually committed to better clean indoor and outdoor air. Consumers are more and more critically at the quality of indoor and outdoor air. Also the contribution of companies, products and services in this.
Holders of the Healthy Air-quality label receives the Viridi Air Partnership (free promotion and a contribution in the Viridi Air green outside air filter project)
Organizations applying for the Healthy Air-quality label will also receive the Viridi Air Partnership consisting of free promotion and a contribution in the Viridi Air green outside air filter project.
Requesting the Healthy Air-quality label
Interested in applying for the Healthy Air-quality label? Send an email to